How to Make Yoghurt at Home
Learning how to make yoghurt can be one of the biggest and healthiest decisions people can make. It is easy and hassle free to make yoghurt at home, and you require minimum requirements
Requirements: What you need to make yoghurt
- Fresh Milk (heat it)
- Ready-made yoghurt (a few tablesponfuls) – speeds up your ‘make yoghurt’ process
- Glass
- Spoon
- Storage Container (with a lid)
- Mixing Container
- Warm Cloth
- Cold Water
How To Make Yoghurt
- Heat your milk (just after it starts to boil)
- Let it cool for 2 to 3 minutes
- Mix half a cup of the warm milk with 3-5 tablespoonfuls of yoghurt
- Mix your diluted yoghurt/ milk with the fresh warm milk
- Pour the whole mix into a storage container
- Cover with your cloth and leave it for 4-5 hours (so it retains the heat for longer)
- Refrigerate your ‘yoghurt-to-be’ or simply dip the container in another container with cold water if you do not have a refrigerator
- Your yoghurt should be ready in 5-8 hours. (may take longer if you do not have a refrigerator.
Serving your yoghurt
- Serve with fruits of choice
- Serve with cereals of choice
Parting Shot
You can keep a few tablespoonfuls of this yoghurt to speed up the making of more homemade yoghurt.