Step by Step Instructions on How to Make an Elegant Full Dress

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Wouldn’t it be nice if you could design and make your gorgeous dresses without spending too much time or effort?


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On this blog post, I will show you hot to design and make a dress fast. If you want a shorter version of How to Make a Simply Elegant Full Dress, check out my YouTube video on the same.


Summary of Steps:

  1. Gather the necessary materials and equipment
  2. Take your body measurements (or the measurements of the person for who you are making the dress)
  3. Sketch the outline of your/ the other person’s frame on a flipchart or cleanable wall/ floor
  4. Transfer the sketch to a fabric and draw the frame’s outline with a piece of chalk
  5. Pin the fabric along the chalk line
  6. Try the dress on
  7. Make adjustments accordingly and use temporary stitches on the fabric
  8. Do permanent stitches on the fabric using your needle or sewing
  9. Finish
  10. Rock the dress


  • You can make a fitting elegant full dress(es) for yourself
  • Design the dress(es) for yourself, and only take it/ them to your tailor for finishing touches
  • Design and make a dress(es) for (an)other person/ people
    • Give it as a gift
    • Sell it/ them to them


Requirements (see the image below for the images of the below items)


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  • A pen(cil) and a paper- If you will be following up with my upcoming projects, get a book/ notepad, where you can be storing your data in one source without the risk of misplacing some.
  • Scissors
  • A box of coloured chalk
  • A flip chart or two (unless you can sketch on your wall/ floor and clean it without much hassle
  • Marker Pen
  • Masking tape ($1) if you will temporarily paste your flipchart on the wall or floor when sketching your outline
  • A box of 1 inch pins
  • A razor blade or two for opening unwanted stitches or slitting button holes (if you want button holes on your dress)
  • Zips (colour matching that of your fabric’s colour or a contrasting colour if you so desire
    • You should have at least one 4-7 Inch zip and one 12-20 Inch zip
  • A sewing needle(s); a sewing machine is an added advantage. You can also buy the handheld stapler-size sewing machine (less than $10) or a mini sewing machine (4” by 2” by 3”) about $20)
  • A few sewing threads; Different colours. White, Black, Grey and beige are always neutral colours and should be in your initial starter pack. Remember to have a thread matching the colour of the material you intend to make your dress from
  • A mirror: A full body mirror would be perfect so you can have a view of how the entire dress looks on you at once
  • The fabric you intend to make your dress from (if you are small bodied, a metre of the fabric is more than enough). If your body size is on the higher scale, get between 2-3 metres). Choose any colour you fancy
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Author: Maggie's DIY

I am a DIY Passion.ista I love sharing my tips and building the capacity of other people in multiple spheres for personal and economic development.

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